

Meloro Law, Creative Solutions and Lifetime Planning to Protect You, Your Loved Ones, and Your Assets


The Best Gift You Never Thought of

Bobbi Meloro • November 8, 2022

Are you thinking about the holidays? Are you busy with family preparations about who will be coming, who will host the festivities, who will be traveling long distances and all the fun activities everyone can enjoy together?  Most importantly, how about the gifts you plan to give? What gifts are you thinking about giving to all your loved ones?  We have an idea of a wonderful gift we would like to share with you that you may not have even thought of.

What is this wonderful gift? A Florida estate plan. Are you aware that less than half of all Americans have an estate plan ?  A Florida estate plan is a reflection of what you want most for yourself and those you love, as well as your legacy. We absolutely know that this may be an unusual gift, however, we invite you to read more about completing or updating your Florida estate plan. We believe that it may be the best gift you will ever give those you love and hold most dear.

As we think about your estate plan, do you have a current Florida estate plan?  Is your estate plan from another state? This is a good opportunity to update it and make it a Florida estate plan. Have you ever considered these questions? If you were suddenly incapacitated due to a serious accident, diagnosis of a serious disease or surgery, who would make your healthcare decisions?   Who would have the legal authority to pay your bills?  Who would handle your business affairs?  Should your spouse or your adult children or someone else be in charge of your finances?  Have you made retirement plans to be able to support you as you age?

As you read the above questions and contemplate your answers, you can see why during this holiday season as you think about gifts for your family, a completed Florida estate plan is quite possibly the best gift you can give to them. In our office we hear those same questions and even more, from our clients and their family members everyday. Also, when it comes to Florida estate planning, you need to know your estate plan will work when you need it to and we understand that.

Another holiday gift to consider giving along with your Florida estate plan is the need for a long-term care plan. Your Florida estate plan is a critical part of your health and well being, the care of your family and the goal of your legacy, however, we want you to know that there is a second planning component that needs to be addressed and completed as well. It is your elder law planning, which includes long-term care.  It is a fact that the majority of Americans will need some form of long-term care after they reach the age of 70.  Most of this care is not covered by Medicare and, instead, will fall on the Florida senior to pay for out of pocket. We can assure you that with prior planning it does not have to be this way.  We can work with you to not only create your Florida estate plan but also a Florida long-term care plan that can protect the estate plan you are putting in place and allow you to be able to leave a legacy for your family, no matter what the future holds. Now, if you already have an estate plan in place, a long-term care plan can be the gift to add to your list to give your loved ones.

We know this article may raise more questions than it answers. Do not wait to contact our law practice to learn more today. We encourage you to contact us and schedule a meeting. To learn more about Meloro Law and how we can help you when you need legal representation for estate planning or elder law issues do not wait to call us today.

The post The Best Gift You Never Thought of appeared first on Meloro Law.

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