Did you know that, each May, attorneys across America participate in National Elder Law Month? May is also the month where we celebrate Mother’s Day! If you are interested in discovering ways to help Mom age in place and you have been searching for strategies, now may be the perfect time to reach out to an elder law attorney in your area. An elder law attorney can assist you in supporting your aging parents and develop, among other things, a long-term care plan for your parents that prepares them for the costs associated with nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. You may also find resources through the attorney’s office that will help Mom age in place. Let us discuss four ways to help Mom age in place during National Elder Law Month.
1. Find Community Resources. Look into organizations for seniors in your community that may provide a social outlet for Mom if she decides to age in place in her own home rather than moving to a senior or retirement community. It can often be isolating to age in place, even more so if your Mom is not close with neighbors. Many towns and cities, however, have community centers with special programming for older residents to alleviate the changes and bring seniors together.
2. Set Up Mom’s Home. Aginginplace.org is an organization dedicated to helping families whose loved ones want to age in place. The Aging in Place website provides many resources for families who need assistance in figuring out how to adapt Mom’s home to fit her changing needs, which may mean installing ramps, changing up the bathroom, and moving Mom’s bedroom downstairs if it is not already on the main floor. This website, as well as others that may have a focus for your local area, also has information on finding a caregiver who is credentialed and able to provide services in Mom’s home.
3. Meet with an Elder Law Attorney. If Mom decides to age in place, it may be wise to meet with an attorney who can guide her through how best to plan ahead on a number of legal matters. If she passes away while still owning her home, an attorney may have advice on how to pass it on to you or your sibling, or otherwise divide up her estate, without creating too much stress.
4. Have Contingency Plans. You may do your best to help Mom age in place, but there may come a time when she needs more care than you can provide at her home, even with paid help. Discuss what she wants to do if this happens and whether assisted living or a nursing home may be the right choice in that scenario.
For assistance during National Elder Law Month and beyond, our office is here to help. Please reach out to us today to schedule a meeting time.
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